Patron Policies and Guidelines

The Reading Community Library enhances the quality of life for the diverse community of the Reading area and all library patrons. We strive to enlighten and empower our citizens to meet their lifelong learning needs through open and equitable access to information, technology, and cultural/educational programs. We seek to provide exceptional library service in an environment that is safe, clean, and comfortable.

The purpose of the Library’s Guidelines for Patron Behavior is to protect the rights of Library patrons to use Library materials and services, to protect the rights of staff members to conduct Library business without interference, and to preserve Library materials and facilities. The Reading Community Library board has adopted these guidelines in order to keep this level of service and safety. Persons who violate these rules will be asked to leave the library and may lose their library privileges. Violations perceived as criminal may result in arrest and prosecution. Any behavior that is disruptive to library use or operations cannot be tolerated.

The Library is open to all with the understanding that an atmosphere conducive to research and study is maintained.

Only animals needed for library programs and service animals are allowed in the building.

II. Bathing or Washing Clothing

Patrons shall not wash or dry clothing or bathe in any restroom. Patrons may not use restroom facilities for shaving or any other purpose that might reasonably be considered inappropriate.

Patrons may not disturb library patrons and staff; interfere with other library patrons’ or staff members’ use of the facilities through extremely poor personal hygiene. Patrons whose extremely poor hygiene constitutes a nuisance to other people’s use of library facilities will be directed to leave.

III. Bikes, Roller Blades, & Skateboards

Patrons shall not bring bicycles into the Library building or secure them anywhere except in the designated bike racks. Roller skates, roller blades, and skateboards may not be worn or used in the Library.

IV. Blocking Aisles or Doorways

Patrons shall not obstruct aisles or doorways or otherwise cause a dangerous situation with use of electrical cords or belongings. Library equipment may not be unplugged to accommodate non-Library equipment.

Patrons may only use cell phones in the library lobby. Cell phone users need to turn ringers and the “push to talk” feature off when they enter the library.

VI. Eating & Drinking

Patrons shall not possess or consume food in the Library. Water in a covered
container is permitted except at the computer stations or near computer equipment.

Patrons shall be responsible for any of their fees or charges in accordance with the library’s standard schedule. Failure to pay these fees may result in the suspension of borrowing privileges.

VIII. Noise & Other Disturbances

Patrons may not disturb others in any manner. Patrons may not behave in a rowdy manner, stare at another person, follow another person about the building, use profane or abusive language, or behave in any manner that can reasonably be expected to disturb others.

Patrons may not display materials or make verbal comments or gestures that might reasonably be expected to offend or harass others.

Patrons may not display profane, obscene or injurious language, texts, or graphics in public view.

Exhibitionism, indecent exposure or flashing, sexual acts or behaviors (such as voyeurism) are prohibited in the Library and on Library property.

Patrons acting in a manner which causes public disturbance will be asked to leave the library.

IX. Personal Belongings

Patrons shall take responsibility for their own belongings. The Reading Community Library is not responsible for patrons’ personal property.

Patrons may not take photographs or videotapes on library premises without the permission of the library Director or Director Designee and the permission of all those photographed. Parents or guardians need to give consent for their minor children.

XI. Respecting Others Rights

Patrons shall not interfere with the use of the Library by other patrons or by Library staff performing their duties.

Patrons must follow library procedures when instructed to do so by library staff.

Patrons may not violate any local ordinance, state or federal law.

Patrons must provide identification when requested by library staff.

Patrons may not enter an area that is designated “Staff Only”. Patrons may not remain in the library after closing time or after a request to leave, including emergencies and evacuation drills.

XII. Shirt & Shoes

Patrons need to dress in an appropriate manner. Footwear and a shirt or other covering of their upper bodies is required at all times for hygiene and safety purposes.

Patrons shall not solicit funds, sell any article or service, gamble, or campaign in the Library. The only exception is that charitable organizations may solicit funds with written authorization from the Director or Director’s Designee.

People may not beg in the library.

XIV. Theft & Mutilation

Patrons need to be respectful of library furnishings including library equipment and materials. It is illegal to alter, deface, mar, destroy, mutilate, or tamper with any library furnishings, walls, machines, materials, or equipment (including computers and/or computer software).

Patrons shall not remove or attempt to remove any library materials without first checking them out. They must use a valid library card and return all materials by the item’s due date.

Patrons shall not destroy, alter, dismantle, or disfigure any electronic data, information, technologies, properties, or facilities.

Loading or installing programs or software on library computers is prohibited.

XV. Tobacco, Alcohol, & Illegal Drugs

The Library is a designated smoke-free environment and the use of tobacco or tobacco products may not be used in the library or on library property.

Library patrons may not possess, consume, or be under the influence of any intoxicant or any controlled substance while in the library or on library property.

All weapons are banned from Library premises to the fullest extent permitted by law.