Know Your Rights

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Every American should enjoy equal rights without discrimination based on race. It's critical that we understand the laws, court system, and the judges that determine those rights. Learn about the bedrock laws and structures that shape our everyday lives.

In this section

Black Female holding Voting Sign - Group in background - wearing face mask

Voting rights

Voting is fundamental to U.S. democracy, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is a bedrock law protecting every American's right to register to vote and cast their ballot. The Voting Rights Act remains one of the hardest-fought safeguards for Black Americans and other minority groups. Yet today, threats to fair, safe elections persist. Attempts to restore the Act to its fullest protections include the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, introduced in early 2019.

President Johnson

We've repeatedly seen attempts to delegitimize democracy by trying to disenfranchise voters, specifically Black voters. Once again, if the NAACP must intervene to protect our community, we will do so swiftly and assuredly.

- Derrick Johnson, NAACP President and CEO

The 411 on the Five-O

While we must support effective law enforcement, we must also exercise our constitutional rights to ensure law enforcement works as it should – to protect all Americans regardless of race or ethnicity. This guide offers helpful suggestions on how to interact with law enforcement to reduce the probability of conflict.

If you are approached by the police.

  1. Do ask for a lawyer immediately upon being arrested or being placed into custody.
  2. Do stay calm and keep your emotions from getting the best of you. Be courteous even if the police officer is not. You will only give the officers more ammunition against you if you begin yelling, arguing or refusing reasonable directives.
  3. Do carry identification at all times and be prepared to produce it.
  4. Do keep your hands where the police officer can see them.
  5. Do take photographs, if you are injured, and seek medical attention as soon as possible.
  6. Do remember the officer's name and badge number as well as any witness information. Write down everything you remember about the encounter as soon as possible.
  7. Don't run.
  8. Don't touch the police officer.
  9. Don't make any statements about the incident without first having spoken to an attorney. Reiterate your right to remain silent, if necessary.

If you're in your car.

  1. Upon request, present your driver's license, registration and proof of insurance.
  2. If you are suspected of drunk driving, and refuse to take a sobriety test the police may seize your driver's license.
  3. You have the right not to consent to a search of your vehicle.
  4. If the police state they have probable cause, they may begin to search your car without your consent. Do not interfere but clearly state your lack of consent.
  5. If you are given a ticket, sign it. You can always fight the case in court later.

If you're on the street.

  1. A police officer may briefly stop you to ask identifying questions.
  2. You are not required to answer any questions but failing to truthfully answer simple ones will make the police suspicious.
  3. If requested, show your identification.
  4. You are not required to consent to a search of yourself or your property.
  5. If police have reasonable suspicion that you have a weapon or illegal substance, they may do a "pat-down" to check. Don't resist.
  6. If you feel you have been unlawfully detained, remember the officer's badge number and all identifying information. Use your cell phone or other technology to record/photograph the interaction, if you can do so safely.

If you're in your home.

  1. Absent a warrant or emergency circumstances, the police do not have the right to enter your home. If the police knock at your door, you have the right to deny them entrance.
  2. If the police say they have a warrant, ask to see it before letting them enter your home.
  3. If you are arrested in your home, the police can search you and the area around you, which usually means the room.

If you are arrested.

  1. Immediately CLEARLY state your refusal to speak to the police and make a request for an attorney. Do not make any statements other than giving your name and address. You have the right to a court appointed attorney if you cannot afford one.
  2. If you are under 18 years old, ask for your parents to be contacted immediately.
  3. After you are arrested, you must be given the opportunity to make a local phone call. Know beforehand who you will call in a situation like this and contact them. The police may not listen in on this phone call.
  4. You must be taken before a judge or magistrate within a day after being arrested.
  5. If you are required to post bail after being arrested, you may request to have your bail lowered.
  6. Do not make any decisions until you have spoken with your attorney. Do not allow the police to trick you into saying anything. Remember, the police can lie to get you to confess to a crime.

Understanding the federal courts

Federal courts decide disputes involving the U.S. Constitution, federal laws, disputes between states, and other important cases. The work of federal courts, from the district courts up to the U.S. Supreme Court, can have wide-ranging implications for social justice. That's because federal courts have the final say on issues that affect the lives of every American, including basic civil rights, religious freedoms, voting rights, and affirmative action.

Teal Supreme Court

The role of judges

Courts have historically been one of the main avenues for promoting and protecting the civil rights of all Americans. That's why we must ensure that the men and women appointed and confirmed to the federal bench — who serve lifetime appointments — are committed to equity and justice, rather than an extremist agenda.

Supreme Court Building Entrance - Daylight

Since the Supreme Court first convened in 1790, 113 justices have served on the bench. Of those, 107 have been white men.

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